The forecast for this Spring is: spooooky….
According to LongPack, our manufacturer, your copy of The Shivers should be getting onto a container boat around mid-March. That puts them at our Quartermaster distribution centers around late April. Which means you should be receiving them around mid-May. That is unless we hit any unexpected snags during the remainder of the production run, but we’ll let you know if we do.

90% of you ordered the Deluxe game, shown here in all its glory
Who are your favorite game reviewers?
We’re going to be getting an early sample of about 20 copies of The Shivers sent early, which we intend to send to a select group of trusted game reviewers. So question for you: which tabletop game reviewers would you like to see get their hands on an early release of The Shivers? Please comment below!
Seeking talented storytellers!
We’re already putting Expansions #3, 4, and 5 on our roadmap for development later this year. Here’s where YOU can help be a part of that creative process: Are there any established authors out there that you would like to see collaborate on some Shivers episodes? Bonus points if they work in the Fantasy, Mystery, or Horror genres. Please comment below! That’s it for this update, be sure to follow us @TheShiversGame on the social medias for the latest. – The Shivers Team