Production Update: the Factory is Back Open!
Finally, the residents of Shanghai have been released from their unprecedented 11-week Covid lockdowns. The factory, LongPack, is coming back up to full speed and they’ve assured us that The Shivers is at the top of the priority list. In fact, the pop-up rooms are nearly completed (they were made in a different factory that didn’t suffer from lockdowns). They are trying to finalize all game components by the the first week of August, which would put the game in your hands around early October (hopefully in time for Halloween). We realize this could stretch a little bit, but there is now definitely a bright light at the end of the tunnel, fast approaching. Thank you all for your patience, and a heartfelt Woo Hoo!
If you missed it in our last Update, here’s a great video showing the complexities of assembling one of the pop-up rooms used in The Shivers game:
Calling all denizens of London and environs:
What are you doing the evening of Friday July 1st? Stop by St-Martins-in-the-Fields, at their Cafe in the Crypt: The Shivers creator Andy Logan will be there for anyone who wants to run through some episodes, meet the creator, do some Q&A, or down a pint. He’ll be there from 5:30pm-7:30pm (17:30-19:30), please Direct Message him here on Kickstarter if you’d like to confirm, as a few of you have done already.

Did you know there’s a Pop-Up Secret Society?
Well there is: the Movable Book Society. This highly secretive organization seeks to achieve world domination by appreciating and discussing pop-up books! Well maybe not world domination per se, but their monthly Zoom meetings are pretty lively and informative. Here’s a video of Andy and paper engineer Renee Jablow presenting The Shivers to the Society last year:
If you’d like to join the Society, inquire on their website link above (hind-quarters paddling is optional but always recommended).
That’s it for this week, stay tuned for more production and shipping updates over the summer. As always, stay safe out there!
– The Shivers Team